Cheers to a new me!


Greeting! Justine is my name and I am a student at ISNHS. I value ed
ucation and personal development and am a dedicated, hardworking individual. Improving my physical health is one of my 2023 goals for the New Year. I've always enjoyed reading a lot and spend a lot of time on my room. I've noticed that my lack of physical activity has made me gain weight, and I don't like it.

I intend to incorporate more physical activity into my daily routine in order to fulfill this resolution. This could mean joining a local sports team, going for a morning walk or run, or just stretching out during the day. Additionally, I want to improve my ability to manage my time. This indicates that I will work to become more organized and prioritize necessary tasks. To ensure that I have sufficient time to complete all of my responsibilities, I will also establish a schedule and adhere to it. Second, I want to become more involved in my community's social life. I intend to connect with more people by joining clubs or organizations that I am passionate about. Last but not least, I want to push my academic limits and set higher goals for myself. I will work toward achieving higher objectives.


I will make use of all of the values I learned to change who I am. I will also maintain my motivation and optimistic outlook. Even when it gets hard, I will try to be consistent and not give up. I am certain that I will be able to achieve my objectives and make the most of the coming year. In my daily life, I hope to feel more focused and energetic. With determination and discipline, I am certain.


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  1. Life goes on, you are here to make the best of it, Justine.


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